Posted in LIFE, Reflections, Thoughts, Words of Wisdom

Slippery Slopes of Immorality

The world’s sliding scale of ethics and morality provides a
fitting non-foundation for a society enamored with limitless
personal freedoms without the corresponding personal
It is perfect for people who want to feel good about themselves
no matter how they live. It makes “sense” to those who see no
ultimate purpose for their lives.

“You shall not commit adultery” (Exodus 20:14)
is not limited to sex outside of marriage.

God commands us to abstain from all sexual immorality,
including premarital sex (fornication), homosexuality,
incest, voyeurism, bestiality, public nudity and much
more (see Leviticus 18 and 20)

The Bible is very clear that we’re not to be hypocritical when
dealing with sin.
Scripture’s parameters regarding sexual sin are extremely narrow
and govern not only our actions, but our words and thoughts as well.
That leaves me guilty.
How about you?
Where’s your mind when you’re reading that romance novel or watching
that steamy movie?
Are you using pornography?
Flirting with that good looking co-worker even though you’re married?
Using double entendres or other suggestive remarks?
Exchanging inappropriate e-mails with another man/woman?
Fantasizing about sexual encounters with someone you’re not married to?
Going farther than you should, physically, on a date?

Before we start thinking about addressing the sins others commit,
we first need to make sure our own hearts, hands, and mouths are
clean by repenting from any sexual sin we’re participating in.

Be true to oneself, quit lying and ask what is really really the
reason for wanting to go out with her/him and knowing it was
inappropriate; do not sell yourself down the road of no-return,
deceiving oneself for momentary pleasures and reaping an eternal
regret and horrible consequences.

In the New Testament, Paul adds licentiousness, uncleanness
and lewdness (Ephesians 4:19), which largely deal with liberal
attitudes towards sexual matters. Men seem to “get away” with
adultery while unfaithful women are considered tramps.
This double standard is ancient.
In John 8:3-11, a crowd was ready to stone a woman caught
“in the very act,” but where was the adulterous man?

We have a God who does not change (Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8),
and since His Word is based on His very character, it does not
change either.

God’s Word, however, deals with both sexes equally.

His Word does not take sexual sin lightly either.
Leviticus 20:10 commands death for both participants for
adultery, as well as for sodomy and homosexuality (verse 13).

Paul reminds us that God killed twenty-three thousand
Israelites in one day for sexual sins (I Corinthians 10:8).
In Abraham’s day God destroyed five entire cities by fire
for their aberrant sex practices.
God sent the Israelites and Jews into captivity for immorality,
among other reasons.

Jesus struck the heart of the matter in His Sermon on the Mount.
Christians must not even lust after another—fantasizing or
committing sex with them mentally (Matthew 5:27-28).

Nowadays, many psychiatrists, psychologists and counselors
actually advise people to fantasize, or perhaps even have
a “little fling.”
Advertisements and fashions all play to the lust of the flesh,
making it increasingly more difficult to obey Jesus’ command.
Teens sometimes scorn their peers if they are still virgins
by fourteen. This topsy-turvy world has completely lost its
understanding of this commandment.

Why should we flee temptations?
Revelation 21:8 states that God will sentence the sexually immoral
to the Lake of Fire, right along with murderers, idolaters, liars
and other unrepentant sinners.
Paul adds, “Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit
the kingdom of God?” Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators,
nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites
. . . will inherit the kingdom of God. (I Corinthians 6:9-10)

Much like our big cities today, ancient Corinth was filled
with sexual temptations. Paul advised the brethren there to
“flee sexual immorality” (I Corinthians 6:18).
Too often we flee, yet leave a forwarding address!
It is unwise to hang around people, places or situations that
tempt us into sexual sins.(Proverbs 5:3-14; Genesis 39:7-12).

When we flirt with temptation, we can end up as an ox going
to slaughter (Proverbs 7:6-27).

But for us, it is a slippery slope to the second death.
Through His law, God has provided us a fixed standard,
a pattern of approved behavior that is valid and profitable
for anyone in any place at any time.

This is the factor that allows us to have unshakable faith
in Almighty God and His purpose for us. And we need such an
unshakable faith during these last days. Paul warns us in
II Timothy 3:1 that our time would be “perilous” to us
because of our belief in the truth of God.

What are the results of rejecting and being disobedient to God?
Disobedience would lead to ….
1. Uncleanness, meaning moral impurity;
2. Longing or desiring, especially what is forbidden;
3. Disgracing each other by mutual consent, meaning unlawful
and impure connections with one another. Verse 24 contemplates
not just a perversion of sex—homosexuality—but any use of it
outside of God’s Law, such as fornication.

Paul describes more of what rejecting God leads to:

For this reason God gave them up to vile passions.

For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves
the penalty of their error which was due.

The apostle then lists specific attitudes (verses 2-5), many of which apply to these three examples of traditional ethics and morality being turned upside-down.

Though the world continues to increase its store of knowledge, the people and their leaders are always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

One day, hopefully soon, the folly of man’s misguided immorality will be revealed by the coming of Jesus Christ and the establishment of the Kingdom of God.
Then, “the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea” (Habakkuk 2:14), and the problems will truly begin to be solved.




Posted in LIFE, Reflections, Religion, Thoughts, Words of Wisdom

Repentance, Atonement and Nails

A Bag of Nails
A Bag of Nails … a “deadly” reminder

A mother once gave her daughter a bag of nails
and told her that
every time she lost her
temper or insulted somebody she
must hammer
a nail into the back of their fence.

When Temper is Lost; a Nail is nailed to the Fence
When Temper is Lost; a Nail is nailed to the Fence

The first day the girl hit 14 nails into the fence.

Over the next few weeks, as she learned to control
her anger, the number of nails hammered daily
gradually dwindled.
She discovered it was easier to hold her temper
than to drive those nails into the fence.

Finally, the day came when the girl didn’t
lose her temper at all.
She told her mother
about it and the mother suggested that the girl
now pull out one nail for each day that
she was able to hold her temper.

The days passed.
Finally, she told her mother that all the
nails were gone.

The mother took her daughter by the hand
and led her to the fence.
She said, “You have done well, my daughter,
but look at all the holes
in the fence.
The fence will never be the same.
When you say things
in anger, they leave
a scar just like these.”

Holes represent the Spiritual, Emotional and Physical "Wounds"
Holes represent the Spiritual, Emotional and Physical “Wounds”

You can put a knife in a person and draw it out.
It does not matter how many times you say I’m sorry;
the WOUND is still there.

A verbal wound is almost as bad as a physical one.

 “How can I repair the fence?” asked the girl.

“Will it have to remain damaged forever?”

“Yes and no” said the mother.
“Our Rabbis say that if the fence is alive
and responds to the way
you have changed, it too can change and heal
If the fence is dead to the possibility of your repentance it will

carry its scars onward. The fence will never be as it was before,
but it
doesn’t have to become like new to be a good fence.
If you do your part
and change, and the fence does its part in response,
God will do
something wonderful. God will promote a healing that will
make you
and the fence better.

This process is called Atonement.

It means that the changes that come about from repentance
and forgiveness lead people to higher levels of relationship
than was the case before.”

“What happens if the fence doesn’t respond?” asked the girl.
“Can I ever make it whole?”
“You should try on three different occasions,” said the mother,
“but if the fence remains dead even after you have changed,
YOU can’t force it to become whole.
In that case you should fix
another fence somewhere else.

There are always lots of fences that need fixing, and whenever
you fix a fence God will make something wonderful happen.

That is the miracle of Atonement.

God always responds to our attempts to change by helping
us change and always responds to our change by giving us
and wonderful opportunities for Atonement.
This is why we
have a Day of Atonement ten days
after the beginning of every n
ew Year;
so the New Year will be a better one than the last one.”

as retold by Rabbi Allen S. Maller

Moral :

Wars and Quarrels are mostly started by humans,
who are sinful by nature, they do not think deeply
about ramifications nor consequences
of their verbal
or physical outburst that is spilled
or acted out
in the moment of anger or jealousy.

In Proverbs 19:19,

King Solomon in his God given wisdom,
exemplified that
“A hot-tempered man MUST pay the penalty;
if you rescue him, you will have to do it again.”

That hot-headed man must realize and admit and change
his ways because nobody, not even God, can help him
if he does not TRULY AND HONESTLY REPENT of his ways!


Rabbi Allen S. Maller
Rabbi Allen S. Maller
Her mother once gave her a bag of nails and told her that every time she lost her temper or insulted somebody she must hammer a nail into the back of their fence.The first day the girl hit 14 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks, as she learned to control her anger, the number of nails hammered daily gradually dwindled. She discovered it was easier to hold her temper than to drive those nails into the fence.
Posted in LIFE, Reflections, Religion, Thoughts, Words of Wisdom

Instant Gratification or Protecting Your Future?

Genesis 25:27-34

Would you forfeit a double-share of your family’s inheritance for a bowl of soup?
Esau did.
In one impulsive bargain, he gave up his right both to lead the family and to take a
lion’s share of his father’s wealth. From where many believers sit in safe and
well-stocked homes, Esau’s actions seem ridiculous. But falling into this brand of
temptation is not unique. Every person is enticed to sacrifice future blessing in
favor of feeding current desires.

Esau had his priorities out of order. The Bible says he “despised” his birthright, but
that does not mean he hated the benefits of being born first. More likely, Esau didn’t
give much thought to his position—it was doing him little good in his current life.
He lived dangerously as a hunter. So how could he inherit anything if a wild animal
killed him?

Therefore, he placed a higher value on his immediate need for a full belly.

Esau’s shortsightedness isn’t all that different from some common modern scenarios.
1) When people trade family time for extra work hours, they lose the comfort of a loving
2) When men and women ignore God’s marital standard of faithfulness, the result is a
damaged or destroyed partnership.
3) When someone refuses a relationship with the Lord in order to maintain
a sense of self-will, he forfeits eternity with God.

What is your “bowl of stew?” At some point, you will face a choice between future gain
and present pleasure. Do not act on impulse like Esau.

Esau squanders his Birthright for a bowl of lentils

Consider your decisions carefully and seek God’s will.

Esau preferred instant gratification. (Genesis 25:30-34) “Not appreciating sacred things,”
Esau gave away his rights as firstborn “in exchange for one meal.” (Hebrews 12:16)
He failed to consider how his decision to sell his birthright would affect his relationship
with Jehovah or what influence his action would have on his offspring. He lacked spiritual
vision. Esau closed his eyes to God’s precious promises, viewing them as of little value.
He walked by sight, not by faith.

Esau provides a warning example for us today. (1 Corinthians 10:11)

When we face decisions, whether great or small, we must not be seduced

by the propaganda of Satan’s world, which says that you must have what

you want right now. This constant bombardment of instantaneous gratification

of our desires by the media and society has led many confusing poor souls to the graves

and their spirit hanging in the balance comes the Day of Judgment; the “Day of Jehovah”.

We do well to ask ourselves: ‘Are Esau-like tendencies showing up in the decisions I make?

Would pursuing what I want now mean putting spiritual interests in the background?

Are my choices endangering my friendship with God and my future reward?

What kind of example am I setting for others?’

If our choices reflect appreciation for sacred things, Jehovah will bless us. 

Proverbs 10:22
The blessing of Jehovah—that is what makes rich, and he adds no pain with it.

Posted in LIFE, Reflections, Religion, Thoughts, Words of Wisdom


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Matthew 16:13-28

Everybody wants a blessed life, nobody wants the blessed life the way
God gives it—through a broken life. But before God can thoroughly
bless a person He must thoroughly break that person from his own
· We saw that in Jacob, who after being broken, became Israel.
· The understanding of the necessity of brokenness before blessedness
was seen in our Savior’s purchase of redemption through brokenness,
as is personal salvation and restoration.
· The path of brokenness begins with the birth, followed by the death,
but the eventual resurrection of God’s desires and intentions.
Abraham, Joseph, Moses, David…all took this path.
· The pattern of brokenness is seen through various Bible illustrations
and in real-life demonstrations. God has been in the “breaking business”
all through the Bible.

The “Purpose of Brokenness”
(1) To bring us to spiritual maturity and
(2) To allow us to engage us in maximum ministry.

Charles Stanley’s definition of brokenness:
“Brokenness is the condition whereby our will is brought into full
submission to his will so that when he speaks, we put up no argument,
 make no rationalizations, offer no excuses, and register no blame,
but instead, instantly obey the leading of the Holy Spirit as he guides us.”

Brokenness is not just a “condition,” it is also a process—a very
predictable, planned process from God’s viewpoint.  When we are
the ones being broken it is chaotic  and confusing, it is painful
and puzzling.  God is in the very center of our circumstances,
accomplishing His purpose which is …..
(1) spiritual maturity and
(2) maximum ministry.

‘Brokenness’ that only God can Heal

How does God break us from living like unbelievers live—depending
on their five senses and their corrupt minds, their warped wills and
their easily influenced emotions?  Believers, and only believers,
have an inner man that is meant to control the outer man.

The life of Simon Peter in the gospel provides a great example of
God’s breaking process.

1.  The Process of Brokenness is Planned.

To many of us, our spiritual life is a huge mystery.  We see it as
only some spontaneous, rather than something calculated, thought
out, planned out.

Think how this planned came together for Peter.

First, Christ choose His disciples, and one of them was Peter.
And the one that Jesus had the most problems with was … Peter.

But Christ saw what He could do in and through this man—a man
who had more hang-up than a telephone solicitor.  Christ knew
with His touch, the blow of the chisel here and the heavenly
sandpaper there, Peter could be used to the glory of God.

If you will cooperate with God as you walk through the breaking
process, He will shape you into a servant that resembles His Son.

Christ’s plan was to zero in on what seemed to be Peter’s strength.
· Matthew 16:16-18  Peter spoke up…this time with the right
answer.  Jesus pointed out to Peter that he didn’t come up with
that conclusion by himself—God had revealed it to Him.
· Matthew 16:21  Jesus began to prepare His men for His death.
· Matthew 16:22.  Peter buts in.  “Why, you’re not going to do
anything of the sort!  You’re not going to be the Son of God and
have a bunch of men treat you that way.  We are going to take
care of you.”  How many know it is He that takes care of us,
and not the other way around?

Peter was a man of tremendous strength, potential, determination.
But Peter was not responding from a “spirit-level,” but from a
“soulish-level.”  His will said, “No, you won’t die.”  His emotions
said, “I’m too loyal.  I love you too much to see that happen.”
His reason said, “None of this makes any sense.”

· Matthew 16:23a.  “Peter…Satan, get behind me…”  Who?
That’s, right.  Peter, this is Satan’s plan for me to avoid the cross.
Get this.  Peter had just had this tremendous spiritual revelation
in verse 18 and now he had a soulish revelation that was
diametrically opposite.  The first came from heaven, the last came
from hell.
· Matthew 16:23b  “Peter, you are an offense unto me…”
Peter was his most outspoken, loyal disciples. It must have crushed
· Matthew 16:24-26  While Jesus said this to all “his disciples,”
the primary target was Peter.  Peter had the bright idea that Jesus
would raise up an army and wipe out Rome and set up an earthly
kingdom.  “No, Peter, you must be willing to die, also.”

2. The Process of Brokenness is Perpetual.

Many people have the idea that if we have one giant, whopper of
a breaking that it will last a life-time.  Brother, you better keep
the bandages handy.  Brokenness is a perpetual process…a process
to keep us broken from self-reliance, self-glorification, self-seeking.

Years ago when I was a young adult a man was trying to sell me
some health insurance.  I said to him, “Man, I don’t need health insurance.
Can’t you see?  I’m healthy.”  His reply was, “You are over-due and you will
be needing some.”   We need health insurance because…we all get sick,
sometimes seriously sick.

If you haven’t gone through the breaking process…hang on,
you’re overdue. Our strong points can be our weak points…because
we allow them to marginalize God.
Someone said “EGO” is “edging God out.”

Every step of the way, Peter was being broken.

· Matthew 14:22-27, 28-30 – Peter’s faith was broken.
– “If it is you, bid me come.”  That’s serious spirit thinking.
– “But,” vs. 30.  Peter slipped into his soulish senses and sank.
– Here is Peter—bold, courageous, loyal, fearless, determined—
and he nearly drowned. Wiped out. Buried at sea.

· Matthew 18:15-22 – Peter’s rights were broken.
– “How oft?  Seven times?”
– “NO.”  “Seventy times seven.” Not 490, but on and on and on.
– Shattered the old Peter who had his limits.

· Matthew 19:27 – Peter’s expectations were broken.
– “What shall we have?”
– Jesus: “More than you deserve and more than you can imagine.

· John 13:4-8 – Peter’s pride was broken.
– “Thou shalt never wash my feet.”

· Matthew 26:51-52 – Peter’s wisdom was broken.
– Peter drew his sword.   Great plan, Peter.
– “Put up the sword into his place; for all they that take the sword
shall perish with the sword.”

· Matthew 26:33, 69-75 – Peter’s self-confidence was broken.
– Broken, Peter goes out weeping like a little baby.

· John 21:15-17 – Peter’s self-professed love was broken.
– “Lovest thou me?”
-”He was grieved.” Broken.

At every turn, Peter was put down, embarrassed, silenced, humiliated.

Why doesn’t God let up on us?  God works to strip from our lives
that which we depend upon…so that we will depend on Him.
God loves us too much to let us be our soulish self.
He has bigger and better things for us.

3. The Process of Brokenness is Painful.

Psalm 119:67  “Before I was afflicted, I went astray: but now have
I kept thy word.”  Verse 71  “It is good for me that I have been
afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes.”

The process of brokenness is painful because of what brokenness
targets—the old man, the self life, our soulish dependence.
Our old man doesn’t like to be exposed as helpless, hopeless and hellish.
Most believer know what God is targeting to break in our
lives.  We know what is grieving the Holy Spirit.
We know what is quenching the Holy Spirit.

The process of brokenness is painful because brokenness takes time.

The process of brokenness is painful because of the tools God uses
to break us.

· Family.
God may use a wife to break a husband…husband to break a wife…
parent to break a child…child to break a parent…friend to break a friend.
The real laboratory of life is the home.
The home is where the real “you” is.
God may use your children to expose your flaws, your inconsistencies,
your selfishness.

· Flesh.
God can touch our “health” to get our attention.
You have heard of many medical problems that cannot be diagnosed.
All sickness is God’s hand of breaking, but all sickness is a time to
draw near to God.

· Finances.
God can hit us where it hurts—a shot at our pocketbooks.

· Friends.
There are people God will put in your life who care to be honest
with you.

· Failure.
God can wipe out our huge egos with personal failure.  God did that
for me my first semester in college.  If I had succeeded I don’t know
where I would be today.  God used my failure—He didn’t have to do
very much to get me there—to get me to surrender to Him.

God’s most powerful tool is His Word.
· Jeremiah calls God’s Word a “hammer” 23:29, and a “fire,” 5:14.
It is also a “sword” Heb 4:12 and a bright “light” Ps 119:105.
This is one reason why people consistently stay away from church
services. The Word literally tears them up.  God uses the Word to
break us.  And you will not be broken until we can discern between
what is soul and what is spirit.

Let’s make a clarification about a couple of things that may or may
not be tools used by God that peole may wonder about.
· Death.  Does God take another person’s life to get our attention?
It will often result in that, but it doesn’t seem like God to takes the
life of someone to make a point because God loves both people.
Death is the result of sin.
· Sin.  Does God cause a person to sin to bring about another’s
submission to God?  e.g. Does God get a teenager on drugs to get
a parents to fall on their faces before God.  God will take advantage
of our sins and disobedience to bring about His purpose to confront
us and change us.

4. The Process of Brokenness is Precise.

God knows everything about everyone of us and know how to
precisely measure our breaking.  And what a great God He is…
from person to person He orders our breaking.

Our breaking will last no longer than when we finally surrender.
Any resistance on our part will prolong the process.  So our
willingness to yield shortens it.

The only thing that you can determine in the process of brokenness
is how long you will postpone the inevitable.  God will have His way.

Charles Stanley warns, “Those who resist God long enough are not
destroyed — rather, they generally are ‘shelved.’  They are ignored.
They remain unused.  They stagnate at their current level of
growth and spiritual maturity.  They remain in their flawed state.”

That concept of being “shelved” is a Bible concept.  It comes out
of 1 Corinthians 9:27 where Paul expressed the dreaded thought
of becoming a “castaway,” meaning “rejected,” (A.T. Robertson)
or “disqualified,” not from salvation, but from any earthly usefulness.

The last thing Peter wanted to do was give up the control of his life.
He wanted to do it “his way.” Brokenness is God’s process of bringing
us to the place where we humbly say, “Lord, I get it now.  What do
you want me to do?  How do you want me to live?  Where do you
want me to go?  What do you want me to say?  Its all about you—
its not about me.”

Peter would later write in his first epistle, “God resisteth the proud,
but giveth grace to the humble,” 1 Peter 5:5.  Peter had lived the
first part, and was now enjoying the last part.

5.  The Process of Brokenness is Profitable.

The best things for all of us is to be broken by the loving hand of God.
It is productive. It is profitable.

How can we be sure of that?  Well, did it do ‘ol Peter any good?
Did he continue to live as he had always lived?  Was he always a
spiritual yo-yo—up and down, up and down?  Was he ever changed?
What is our proof of the profitability of brokenness?

Remember God purpose for brokenness?  Maturity and ministry.
How did that work out for Peter?

· Maturity is never fully accomplished, but Peter was much more
grown up than when he first met Jesus.  Acts 4:13 “And they took
knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.”  Hey, we start
looking and behaving more like Jesus than ourselves, we are headed
in the direction of spiritual maturity.  Jesus could now be seen in Peter
…what an accomplishment…a job only God could do.
· As far as ministry was concerned, he was the leader of the pack.
After all that he had been, and all that he had done (most of it not
good), God assigned Peter the ministry task of preaching on the
Day of Pentecost, Acts 2.  He was Spirit-empower, preached Christ,
and 2,000 turned to Jesus and were baptized.

And the very next day after this record event at Pentecost, Peter
and John are headed to the temple to pray, Acts 3:1.  That tells
me volumes about Peter.  He’s no longer depending on himself.
While Peter takes up the first half of the book of Acts, it’s not the
old Peter doing the work; it’s the new Peter, the broken Peter.

Copyright © 2006 Lake Worth Baptist Church | All Rights Reserved

Posted in LIFE, Reflections, Religion, Thoughts, Words of Wisdom

All I Need To Know About Life I Learned From Trees

The following ideas (edited by Alan Smith) are entitled

“All I Need To Know About Life I Learned From Trees”

** author unknown **

It’s important to have roots.

In today’s complex world, it pays to branch out.

If you really believe in something, don’t be afraid to go out on a limb.

Be flexible so you don’t break when a harsh wind blows.

Sometimes you have to shed your old bark in order to grow.

Grow where you’re planted.

It’s perfectly okay to be a late bloomer.

Avoid people who would like to cut you down.

Get all spruced up when you have a hot date.

If the party gets boring, just leaf.

You can’t hide your true colors as you approach the autumn of your life.

It’s more important to be honest than poplar.

Those are some good lessons.

They remind me of some other lessons taught in the very first Psalm:

Happy is the man that has not walked in the counsel of the wicked ones, and in the way of sinners has not stood, and in the seat of ridiculers has not sat. But his delight is in the law of Jehovah, and in his law he reads in an undertone day and night.

And he will certainly become like a tree planted by streams of water, that gives its own fruit in its season and the foliage of which does not wither, and everything he does will succeed.

Psalm 1:1-3

The Psalmist says that a godly person is like a tree in three very important ways :

First, he is planted — he’s got his roots put down deep, he’s fortified, stable.

Second, he bears fruit — he develops godlike qualities in his character and life.

Third, he doesn’t wither — he is able to survive under all circumstances, even days of difficulty.

May your spiritual life take on the qualities of a tree planted by the rivers of water.

Posted in LIFE, Reflections, Religion, Thoughts, Words of Wisdom

Drifting Away … Spiritually

Deuteronomy 12:32

“Every word that I am commanding YOU is what YOU should be careful to do. 

YOU must not add to it nor take away from it.”

Hebrews 2:1

“That is why it is necessary for us to pay more than the usual attention

to the things heard by us, that we may never drift away.”

Mankind has an innate desire to worship God, but he wants to be free to do it according to the dictates of his own mind. The result is a wide variety of religions–in actuality, mass confusion as to which is the true religion–and a world in which true values are lost in an ocean of conflicting opinions about how to live. This, in turn, has helped persuade many people to reach the conclusion that all gods are equally good, or its counterpart, that everybody is worshipping the same god.

We all know God is not pleased with this situation, but He allows it to continue. However, even while allowing it to continue, He is calling people out of it. He has shown His called-out ones that they have been redeemed from the bondage to traditions, described in I Peter 1:18 as “vain,” “aimless,” or “futile,” depending on the translation. However, in the vast majority of cases, someone, presumptuously taking it upon himself to inaugurate a tradition, began practicing them, sincerely thinking he was improving his life. We have all followed these traditions, but the Christian is responsible not to allow the world to squeeze him into its mold of conduct, character, and attitude.

Proverbs 21:16 describes the way many presumptuous sins begin: “A man who wanders from the way of understanding will rest in the congregation of the dead.” Like this man, most people do not deliberately set out to depart from God. Nevertheless, carelessness invariably enters the picture, and a person drifts from his former sure fix on his goal. Once his focus on the goal is blurred, he is more easily deceived into foolishly assuming certain things. An especially sad part of this is that the result is the same as if he were deliberately presumptuous.

The author of Hebrews uses a metaphor in Hebrews 2:1-3, portraying a boat slipping from its moorings and drifting away. A person “neglect[s] so great salvation” by allowing himself to be caught in the current of the world’s attitudes and conduct. Presumption frequently begins with careless drifting, but the drifting quickly advances from neglect to presumption unless one carefully checks whether he actually has God’s permission to behave as he does.

Like a Boat Adrift … Our Spiritual Life Drifts Away … Slowly

In Proverbs 8, wisdom is personified as a woman crying out to people along the way–to God’s Kingdom?–to take heed to her instruction. In verse 36, she utters a profound warning: “But he who sins against me wrongs his own soul; all those who hate me love death.” None of us likes to think of himself as foolishly loving death. However, the Bible consistently shows that those who do not consciously, purposefully, and carefully direct their lives toward obedience to God do indeed love death rather than life! Such a person is in effect presuming that all is well with him in relation to God. God does not like being taken for granted–just as you and everyone else don’t like to be taken for granted!

*John W. Ritenbaugh*

Posted in LIFE, Reflections, Religion, Thoughts, Words of Wisdom

Isaiah 66 : 1-2


ISAIAH 66 : 1-2

This is what Jehovah has said:

“The heavens are my throne, and the earth is my footstool.

Where, then, is the house that YOU people can build for me,

and where, then, is the place as a resting-place for me?”

“Now all these things my own hand has made,

so that all these came to be,” is the utterance of Jehovah.

“To this one, then, I shall look, to the one afflicted and

contrite in spirit and trembling at my word.”

Humility is the key to oneness with God.

Consequently, it is also the key to oneness with our brethren.

God’s way of achieving oneness is for each person to be so

attuned to God that he is motivated to do everything possible

to ensure that the relationship (with God or fellow man) is not

only unbroken, but constantly becoming ever closer.

We should do this because we are striving to become like Him,

and that is how He is.

Each person is responsible

for cleaning up his character and

humbling himself before God.

*clipart from*

Each is not responsible for judging his brother so critically it

drives a wedge between them and separates them.

Such a person does not even see his own sin! In such a case,

he could not be in God’s Kingdom because that manner of thinking

would continue right on into it, and God will not allow it there.

*John W. Ritenbaugh*

Posted in LIFE, Reflections, Religion, Thoughts, Words of Wisdom

No Looking Back

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Luke 9:62

“Jesus said to him: “No man that has put his hand to a plow

and looks at the things behind is well fitted for the kingdom of God.”

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REMEMBER the wife of Lot

This “looking back” is not merely reflecting to evaluate the progress made since one decided to leave the world. Instead, it is like Lot’s wife, who looked back with a degree of longing to return to what she had left. Her life was literally on the line, and rather than being fully engaged in surviving, she placed a higher priority on life’s lesser matters than on the greater one of preserving her life through God’s gift of protection.

She looked back, revealing her heart still to be in Sodom, a type of the world. Her action indicates regret for having left. Success in God’s way requires following an awesome vision of future glory with devoted conviction. Abraham is a primary example: He looked for a city built by God, apparently leaving his homeland without ever looking back (Hebrews 11:8-10, 13-16).

Once we commit to Christianity, God’s calling becomes our vocation, which requires our concentrated attention going forward. A vocation is a person’s regular occupation. What happens when a Christian looks back with a measure of longing is similar to someone talking on a cell phone while driving his car. He frequently drifts all over the road, swerving this way and that because, at best, his attention is split between conflicting priorities. He is setting himself up for trouble, and all too frequently, an accident occurs. A Christian cannot make a beeline for the Kingdom with his attention diverted elsewhere. We are not to be anything but altogether followers of the Son of God. The stakes are that high, for the fulfillment of His promise is so great.

Dramatic, sudden death, as happened to Lot’s wife, will not likely happen to us if we gaze yearningly behind us. For this reason, a person who has begun to fall away will most likely take the second step backwards with hardly a pause. Hebrews 10:39 says, “But we are not of those who draw back to perdition, but of those who believe to the saving of the soul.” Almost invariably, longing for the old life is followed by gradually and increasingly believing that God’s requirements are too exacting and difficult.

In Jesus’ parable in Luke 19:11-27, did not the man given one mina complain something similar to this when asked what he had gained with it? “Master, here is your mina, which I have kept put away in a handkerchief. For I feared you, because you are an austere man. You collect what you did not deposit, and reap what you did not sow” (verses 20-21).

We must be prepared to put God first in all things. There will be times when this will be exceedingly difficult, especially if the surrender of a thing involves the sacrifice of someone or something deeply loved or desired. It can happen, but such occasions are quite rare.

It has been said that he who is unwilling to sacrifice everything for the cause of God is really willing to sacrifice nothing. Drawing back happens despite God’s promise that every trial is measured to the exact specifications needed by the individual Christian. In I Corinthians 10:13, God promises to provide relief from every problem: “No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.” The word-picture in Hebrews 10:39 portrays a person shrinking back from following through on the demands of faith. He is looking for an easy way out of some distasteful thing he does not wish to face. This eventually happens to us all.

A major appeal of the world’s way is that it seems to be broader and easier. As Jesus says in Matthew 7:13, the easier, broader way it probably is—for a while. That deceptively effortless way draws the person ever-further from salvation, and he grows steadily weaker as he loses contact with God. The one who apostatizes thus permits himself to be drawn back.

The third step is taken when a person actually turns away. John 6:65-66 records such an occasion in Jesus’ ministry: “And He said, ‘Therefore I have said to you that no one can come to Me unless it has been granted to him by My Father.’ From that time many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more.” In this poignant scene, Jesus watched people who may have been friends leave His entourage because they could not comprehend His teaching. He undoubtedly had spoken of things of an order far higher than they were accustomed to hearing, but rather than patiently facing it, as the apostles did, they simply gave up, proving themselves unfit for the Kingdom of God. Their loyalty could not stand the strain of what may have been merely a temporary misunderstanding. They had been followers, but apparently, they were seeking for something else.

By this stage, it is still not too late for a person to grab hold of himself and move forward, but the world’s appeal has become almost overpowering. Spiritual decline has reached the tipping point, and he is in serious peril.

The fourth and final step backward is illustrated by Isaiah in the Old Testament: “But the word of the LORD was to them, ‘Precept upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little.’ That they might go and fall backward, and be broken and snared and caught” (Isaiah 28:13).

In examining the context carefully, we see that the people being described have reached the critical point where God’s Word is falling on deaf ears. It is to them just jumbled noise. In New Testament terms, they had backslid beyond the reach of repentance and forgiveness. Here, the apostate reaches the point of no return; he has earned the Lake of Fire.

*John W. Ritenbaugh *

Posted in LIFE, Reflections, Religion, Thoughts, Words of Wisdom

Ticket to Heaven

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 God’s Love is not for sale and you can’t earn a ticket to Heaven
by works or good deeds or wealth or fame or human intellect.

God’s Love is like His Grace; Unconditional and Eternal!
We have His undeserved kindness and love no matter who or
what we are. Eventhough we’ve sinned and not a penny to our
name; He’s ever ready there to forgive us when we repent of
our sins truthfully and honestly from the heart.

God doesn’t measure or grade us according to our intellect
nor our good deeds nor our works and certainly not our
bank accounts but only through our love for Him; whether it
is genuine and whole-heartedly.

Be consistent in contact with Almighty God for He sits in the
Heavens above and that should be the key to remind ourselves
that we are on earth below. We are just mere mortals, kind of
like vapor that’s here one minute and gone in another. On that
note, we should strive not to be proud, arrogant or boastful at all.
Let us adopt a humble attitude and God will exalt us in due time.

“Forming light and creating darkness, making peace and creating calamity,

I, Jehovah, am doing all these things.” – Isaiah 45:7


Image Copyright John R Bell

Wait expectantly for His Miracles, Be in Awe of His Creation
of the whole Universe. Meditate on His Holy Words! God’s
words fills, nourishes, rejuvenates and refreshes our souls and
senses like mountain dew; it is His Love for us in the 66 books
of the Bible; it’s His loving letters of guidance to us.  God’s love
for us in Christ Jesus keeps flowing like the river that never
runs dry if we ourselves never stop loving Him.
“For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any
double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and
spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes
of the heart.”
*Hebrew 4:12*

Even the Lord Byron in his quote, “I have drunk every cup of
pleasure, and I have quaffed every cup of fame, and yet alas,
I die of thirst!”; realized and lamented that his thirst can
only be quenched by the Living and One True God Jehovah
and His only Begotten Sinless Son, Jesus Christ, our Messiah.
Though he found pleasure, fame and fortune; he was still
empty and starving, he was craving for Almighty God’s love
which can be gotten only through Jesus, the Bread of Life,
the only Way and Truth to God.
“Jesus said to him: “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life.
No one comes to the Father except through me.”
*John 14:6*

 Image Copyright John R Bell

© keziah boey © April 25, 2012

Posted in LIFE, Reflections, Religion, Thoughts, Words of Wisdom

“Sinful Anger” – Part Two

Proverbs : 14:17

He that is quick to anger will commit foolishness, but the man of thinking abilities is hated.

Proverbs : 15:1

An answer, when mild, turns away rage, but a word causing pain makes anger to come up.

Proverbs : 29:22

A man given to anger stirs up contention, and anyone disposed to rage has many a transgression.

Proverbs : 15:10

Discipline is bad to the one leaving the path; anyone hating reproof will die.

Proverbs : 15:5

Anyone foolish disrespects the discipline of his father, but anyone regarding reproof is shrewd.

Proverbs : 15:23

A man has rejoicing in the answer of his mouth,

and a word at its right time is O how good!

Posted in LIFE, Reflections, Religion, Thoughts, Words of Wisdom

Walk Righteously with One True Almighty God Jehovah/Yahweh

Walk in righteousness with God Jehovah/Yahweh

Micah : 6 : 8

“He has told you, O earthling man, what is good. And what is Jehovah asking back from you but to exercise justice and to love kindness and to be modest in walking with your God?”

Our Almighty One True Eternal God has blessed us in so many ways, in return, He has asked of us to exercise justice in whatever circumstances, be compassionate, be kind, honest in our dealings and also to be humble in all our ways in walking with Him.

Isaiah : 45 : 21-24

“Turn to ME and be saved, all YOU [at the] ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no one else. By my own self I have sworn—out of my own mouth in righteousness the word has gone forth, so that it will not return—that to me every knee will bend down, every tongue will swear, saying, “Surely in Jehovah there are full righteousness and strength.”

There is no other God besides ME, I AM the One True Eternal & Almighty God Jehovah/Yahweh, a Righteous God and Savior. 

Psalms : 129 : 4

“Jehovah is righteous. He has cut in pieces the ropes of the wicked ones.”

God hates those that practices wickedness and those that are evil at heart, He will certainly annihilate them and they’ll be remembered no more.

Proverbs : 12 : 28

“In the path of righteousness there is life, and the journey in its pathway means no death.”

Proverbs : 11 : 3-4

“The integrity of the upright ones is what leads them, but distortion by those dealing treacherously will despoil them. Valuable things will be of no benefit on the day of fury, but righteousness itself will deliver from death.”

Proverbs : 15 : 9

“The way of the wicked one is something detestable to Jehovah, but the one pursuing righteousness He loves.”

God detest wickedness but loves righteousness!

Proverbs : 28 : 5

“Men given to badness cannot understand judgment, but those who are seeking Jehovah can understand everything.”

Isaiah : 61 : 1-3

“The spirit of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah is upon me, for the reason that Jehovah has anointed me to tell good news to the meek ones. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to those taken captive and the wide opening [of the eyes] even to the prisoners;  to proclaim the year of goodwill on the part of Jehovah and the day of vengeance on the part of our God; to comfort all the mourning ones; to assign to those mourning over Zion, to give them a headdress instead of ashes, the oil of exultation instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of the downhearted spirit; and they must be called big trees of righteousness, the planting of Jehovah, for [him] to be beautified.”

Jehovah God in Christ Jesus has appointed anointed ones to proclaim the good news of His name and His Glory to the whole world.

Hosea : 10 : 12

“Sow seed for yourselves in righteousness; reap in accord with loving-kindness. Till for yourselves arable land, when there is time for searching for Jehovah until He comes and gives instruction in righteousness to YOU.”

2 Timothy : 4 : 8

“From this time on there is reserved for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will give me as a reward in that day, yet not only to me, but also to all those who have loved his manifestation.”

A crown is reserved! A crown of Righteousness, waiting in the heavens, for those who loves our Almighty Eternal One True God Jehovah/Yahweh and His Only Begotten Son, Jesus/Yahshua, our Messiah.

Proverbs : 16 : 6

“By loving-kindness and trueness error is atoned for, and in the fear of Jehovah one turns away from bad.”

In the fear of our Lord God Jehovah/Yahweh, one will indeed slide away from doing wickedness and crookedness because by that awe of fear in Him, we are bestowed with wisdom and understanding so that we can distinguish right from wrong.

Proverbs : 14 : 27

“The fear of Jehovah is a well of life, to turn away from the snares of death.”

Romans : 15 : 9-13

Paul welcomes the non-Israelites, the Gentiles, to the knowledge of the One True God Jehovah/Yahweh, telling them to be glad of that and always be in praising the name of our Almighty Eternal True God Jehovah and openly acknowledging and proclaiming His Holy name.  In return, God will bless them bountifully. Paul also bore the good news about Jesus/Yahshua, our Messiah, the root of Jesse, the one who will rule the nations and where all the hope of the world rests.

James : 2 : 13

“For the one that does not practice mercy will have [his] judgment without mercy. Mercy exults triumphantly over judgment.”

Exercise showing mercy just as Jehovah/Yahweh God has shown us mercy by giving us His Son, Our Messiah, Jesus/Yahshua to atone for all our sins.

Isaiah : 66 : 2

“Now all these things my own hand has made, so that all these came to be,” is the utterance of Jehovah. “To this one, then, I shall look, to the one afflicted and contrite in spirit and trembling at my word.”

Jehovah/Yahweh God will always deliver those in troubled times; those that are kind in heart, merciful, compassionate, righteous and at all times in the awe and love for Him.

Isaiah : 61 : 1

The Spirit of God is upon the anointed righteous ones of the earth.

Isaiah : 57 : 15-16

“For this is what the High and Lofty One, who is residing forever and whose name is holy, has said: “In the height and in the holy place is where I reside, also with the one crushed and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly ones and to revive the heart of the ones being crushed. For it will not be to time indefinite that I shall contend, nor perpetually that I shall be indignant; for because of me the spirit itself would grow feeble, even the breathing creatures that I myself have made.”

Isaiah : 57 : 21

“There is no peace,” my God has said, “for the wicked ones.”

Matthew : 5 : 3-16

The Kingdom of heaven belongs to those who are conscious of the spiritual need which is “Food for the Soul”. Be the light that shines onto men and be the salt that does not lose its strength and flavor of righteousness to the world.

Genesis : 5 : 22

Enoch, the man who pleased God, walked righteously with our Almighty God Jehovah/Yahweh.

Genesis : 6 : 8-9

Jehovah/Yahweh God found favor in Noah because he walked righteously with the True God, Noah proved himself faultless in many ways and some of his traits were being merciful, kind, compassionate, honest in all dealings and also humble in spirit.

Malachi : 2 : 6

“The very law of truth proved to be in his mouth, and there was no unrighteousness to be found on his lips. In peace and in uprightness he walked with me, and many were those whom he turned back from error.”

Jehovah/Yahweh declares He will protect and bless those when there is no perverseness upon their lips and their hearts no deceitfulness and wickedness abounding. 

Revelation : 3 : 4-5

“‘Nevertheless, you do have a few names in Sar´dis that did not defile their outer garments, and they shall walk with me in white ones, because they are worthy.  He that conquers will thus be arrayed in white outer garments; and I will by no means blot out his name from the book of life, but I will make acknowledgment of his name before my Father and before his angels.”

Jesus/Yahshua declares that those who endures and conquers evilness and wickedness and have no defilement of their hearts, soul and spirit by walking in purity will be counted worthy in the eyes of Almighty Eternal One True God and Father Jehovah/Yahweh. This gives us the entitlement to be arrayed in white outer garments and our names in the Book of Life.


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Posted in LIFE, Reflections, Religion, Thoughts, Words of Wisdom

Ecclesiastes 8:14

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“There exists a vanity that is carried out on the earth, that there exist righteous ones

to whom it is happening as if for the work of the wicked ones, and there exist wicked

ones to whom it is happening as if for the work of the righteous ones.

I said that this too is vanity.”

Ecclesiastes 8:14

Do Not Blame God_Trust Him In Everything

The righteous seem to receive all of the bad things, and the wicked
seem to go through life unscathed, untouched. They have the big
cars and the nice houses on the hill. They can take fancy vacations.
Nothing bad ever seems to happen to them.

A main reason that I Peter 2:18-24 was written is to warn us that
sometimes the innocent are caught in God’s justice. They will have
to suffer for something that they have not caused. The test for
us is whether we will be able to accept God’s justice, His judgment,
and take it in the same spirit that Christ did. If anyone could ever
cry out, “Unfair! Unfair!” Jesus Christ would have to be the One.

How about us? What trials have we gone through, in which we did
not cause the trial but became caught in somebody else’s sin?
It is very easy in such cases to cry out to God, “Unfair! Unfair!
God, why are You allowing this to happen to me?”
The implication of our complaint is, “After all the good things
that I’ve done for You, God, You treat me like this.”
We are, in effect, trying to vindicate ourselves.
We become frustrated and accusative, never even stopping to
think that, if we received truly fair treatment, we would get
what happened to Nadab and Abihu and Ananias and Sapphira!



[In regards to Nadab and Abihu, sons of Aaron, please read Leviticus 10:1-3]

It would seem that God’s intent in the passage was not to draw
our attention to the exact violation itself but the attitude of the
men who violated God’s law.

They betrayed a carelessness, an irreverence, a want of faith,
most surprising and lamentable. A precedent of such evil tendency
was dangerous, and it was imperatively necessary, therefore,
as well for the priests themselves as for the sacred things, that
a marked expression of the divine displeasure should be given
for doing that which “God commanded them not.”

The hearts of Nadab and Abihu were that which really were
judged that day when God consumed them by fire. Their deeds
of recklessness and disobedience merely indicated the rebellion
of their own dark hearts.

{Death of Nadab and Abihu and its implications as explained by Jacob Allee}



[In regards to Ananias and Sapphira, please read Acts 5:1-11]

{Their brashness of offering false worship to God revealed their evil hearts}

Almighty God Yahweh/Jehovah wants to see if we have faith
in His judgment, in Him as an absolutely Perfect Judge.
Do we trust Him, or do we only trust Him when the going is good?



John W. Ritenbaugh
Excerpted from: Justice and Grace

Posted in LIFE, Music, Reflections, Religion, Thoughts, Words of Wisdom

How Far Will You Travel?

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How far down the line will you travel ……………..

away from Almighty Omniscient Omnipresent Yahweh/Jehovah,

The One True Eternal and Everlasting God,

Creator and Ruler of all things?

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Doesn’t this prick your conscience? Just imagine, when your everyday is rolling along with your worldly commitments and so pressed for time that you’re neglecting God, your first priority because He’s your Creator, and not even feeling remorseful about it; God just as so much lift His finger and “unhinged” the earth from its place and it loses all gravity, what do you think will happen to you? Your body floats soullessly and inanimately into the dark vacuum space of the universe but where is your soul? Will you be praying, crying and pleading then for God to keep your soul albeit knowing in your heart it’s a bit too late?

Yes, that’s a question we should be asking ourselves every moment of everyday.

Truthfully and honestly, contemplate and ponder the path of your life, discern your ways of living and consider it whether it’s right and worthy in the eyes of God.  Do remember, the narrow gate leads to heaven and the wide temptation gate of sin will set you onto a field of landmines that ultimately destroys your soul. Do not compromise your convictions, don’t desire nor seek momentary pleasures nor worldly profits which fades like the blades of grass. Those fame, fortune, prestige and accolades are here today but gone tomorrow, like the flower aptly named “morning glory” because they open and close the same day.

fleeting sun kissed beauty of the morning glory

Seek earnestly and honor the Will of God Yahweh/Jehovah for His reward for you is your “name” in the Book of Life and a place in His Heavenly Kingdom. Do not tarry,  guard your Heart and your Soul for His Eternal Son, our Messiah and Lord, Yeshua/Jesus is coming quickly!

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*** Believe in Him;

Trust in Him

and Love Him Completely ***

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God is the Soul Provider


His Gift to you is



©  keziah boey © – November 21, 2011


Posted in LIFE, Reflections, Religion, Thoughts, Words of Wisdom

Salt of the Earth

Be the Salt of the Earth

*Salt of the Earth*

Salt is not an expensive article of food, but a very important one.

When the Lord Jesus was here upon earth,

He said, “YOU are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its strength,

how will its saltness be restored? It is no longer usable for anything

but to be thrown outside to be trampled on by men.”

 *Matthew 5:13*

All that salt is in the natural, the Lord Jesus wants the Christian to be

in a spiritual sense. Salt was a common product in the days when the

Lord Jesus walked the earth, as now, so that His disciples understood

what He meant when He said, “Ye are the salt of the earth.”


Let us listen to the message of the fine grains of salt.

Salt is used to season food and make it palatable.

Think of a meal being served without salt.

So, think of a community without Christians.

The reason such terrible conditions exist in heathen lands,

is that the Lord Jesus is not known and the Bible not read.

People who do not know Him are SALTLESS.

There is no savor about their lives.

Salt permeates, or penetrates food very quickly.

Put a bit in a glass of water and soon the entire contents are affected by it.

It is not careful to hide its identity—it seems to be constantly saying,

“I am salt: I am salt.”


Salt has healing properties, and is often used as an antiseptic or a purifier.

If Christian boys and girls are like salt, then they too, will lend a purifying

influence among their playmates and friends.

They will be able to HEAL many quarrels and misunderstandings.

Parents are always glad to have their children make friends with the

Christian boy or girl, for this very reason.


Salt is very powerful, too, as you shall see.

I have here a jar of water and an egg.

When I put the egg in the jar of water, notice what happens!

Why, the egg falls to the bottom of the jar.

It can only be lifted up by means of a spoon.

But suppose I add some salt, then what will happen?

See the egg come to the top!

Salt has lifting power, and is able not only to lift the egg,

but to keep it afloat on the water.

The world drags a man down in sin and would keep him down.

A Christian should, like the salt, lift men “up”—not in his own

strength, but by pointing him to the One, who alone can reach

down to the depths and lift a man up to the heights.

“Furthermore, there is no salvation in anyone else,

for there is not another name under heaven that has

been given among men by which we must get saved”

except the name of Jesus.

*Acts 4:12*

There is power in His name.

“Thou shalt call His name Jesus for He shall save

His people from their sins”

*Matthew 1:21*

When one accepts the Lord Jesus as Saviour,

he becomes a “new creature in Christ Jesus.”

His life becomes powerful like the “salt.”

He has a savor about him that tells of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Are you like these little white grains of salt?

If not, the Lord Jesus wants you to be.

Hear His words,

“Ye are the salt of the earth.”


“For everyone must be salted with fire.

Salt is fine; but if ever the salt loses its strength,

with what will YOU season it itself?

Have salt in yourselves, and keep peace between one another.”

*Mark 9:49-50*


≈sermon illustration≈


Posted in LIFE, Reflections, Religion, Thoughts, Words of Wisdom

“Angry, Short Fuse and Bad-Tempered Souls” – Part One

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Let all malicious bitterness and anger and wrath and screaming

and abusive speech be taken away from YOU along with all badness.

Ephesians 4:31

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19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, and they are fornication,

uncleanness, loose conduct, 20 idolatry, practice of spiritism, enmities,

strife, jealousy, fits of anger, contentions, divisions, sects, 21 envies,

drunken bouts, revelries, and things like these. As to these things I am

forewarning YOU, the same way as I did forewarn YOU, that those who

practice such things will not inherit God’s kingdom.

Galatians 5:19-21

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Do not show yourself heated up because of the evildoers.
Do not be envious of those doing unrighteousness.

Psalms 37:1

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Let anger alone and leave rage;
Do not show yourself heated up only to do evil.

Psalms 37:8

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Posted in LIFE, Misc, Politics

Truth about West Bank


Israel’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Danny Ayalon explains the historical

facts relating to the Israeli Palestinian conflict. The video explains where the

terms “West Bank”, “occupied territories” and “67 Borders” originated and how

they are incorrectly used and applied.


Origin of the Name Palestine

Where did the name Palestine come from?

The name Palestine refers to a region of the eastern Mediterranean coast from the sea to the Jordan valley and from the southern Negev desert to the Galilee lake region in the north. The word itself derives from “Plesheth”, a name that appears frequently in the Bible and has come into English as “Philistine”. Plesheth, (root palash) was a general term meaning rolling or migratory. This referred to the Philistine’s invasion and conquest of the coast from the sea. The Philistines were not Arabs nor even Semites, they were most closely related to the Greeks originating from Asia Minor and Greek localities. They did not speak Arabic. They had no connection, ethnic, linguistic or historical with Arabia or Arabs.

The Philistines reached the southern coast of Israel in several waves. One group arrived in the pre-patriarchal period and settled south of Beersheba in Gerar where they came into conflict with Abraham, Isaac and Ishmael. Another group, coming from Crete after being repulsed from an attempted invasion of Egypt by Rameses III in 1194 BCE, seized the southern coastal area, where they founded five settlements (Gaza, Ascalon, Ashdod, Ekron and Gat). In the Persian and Greek periods, foreign settlers – chiefly from the Mediterranean islands – overran the Philistine districts.

From the fifth century BC, following the historian Herodotus, Greeks called the eastern coast of the Mediterranean “the Philistine Syria” using the Greek language form of the name. In AD 135, after putting down the Bar Kochba revolt, the second major Jewish revolt against Rome, the Emperor Hadrian wanted to blot out the name of the Roman “Provincia Judaea” and so renamed it “Provincia Syria Palaestina”, the Latin version of the Greek name and the first use of the name as an administrative unit. The name “Provincia Syria Palaestina” was later shortened to Palaestina, from which the modern, anglicized “Palestine” is derived.

This remained the situation until the end of the fourth century, when in the wake of a general imperial reorganization Palestine became three Palestines: First, Second, and Third. This configuration is believed to have persisted into the seventh century, the time of the Persian and Muslim conquests.

The Christian Crusaders employed the word Palestine to refer to the general region of the “three Palestines.” After the fall of the crusader kingdom, Palestine was no longer an official designation. The name, however, continued to be used informally for the lands on both sides of the Jordan River. The Ottoman Turks, who were non-Arabs but religious Muslims, ruled the area for 400 years (1517-1917). Under Ottoman rule, the Palestine region was attached administratively to the province of Damascus and ruled from Istanbul. The name Palestine was revived after the fall of the Ottoman Empire in World War I and applied to the territory in this region that was placed under the British Mandate for Palestine.

The name “Falastin” that Arabs today use for “Palestine” is not an Arabic name. It is the Arab pronunciation of the Roman “Palaestina”.

Quoting Golda Meir:

  • The British chose to call the land they mandated Palestine, and the Arabs picked it up as their nation’s supposed ancient name, though they couldn’t even pronounce it correctly and turned it into Falastin a fictional entity. [In an article by Sarah Honig, Jerusalem Post, November 25, 1995]


There are Arabs who lived in Palestine, just as there were Jews. They were all “Palestinians”
in that sense. Yasser Arafat coined the term “Palestinians” for the Arabs who who emigrated
from Israel on recommendation of Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Jordan, just
before they attacked the new nation of Israel. They were Arabs before they emigrated, and
they are still Arabs. They are not Palestinians. They are palestinian Arabs, just as the Jews
who live in the West Bank are Palestinian Jews. There are even Palestinian Christians.
All because in ancient times, the Roman legions have mandated that area, that is east of the
Mediterranean, as “Palestine”.  But, in truth, there is NO Palestinian people!

Posted in LIFE, Reflections, Religion, Thoughts, Words of Wisdom

Machinations of the “Devil”

2 Timothy 3:1-5

1 But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here.

2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self-assuming, haughty,

blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal,

3 having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without

self-control, fierce, without love of goodness,

4 betrayers, headstrong, puffed up [with pride], lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God,

5 having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power; and from these turn away!

(Hatred, wars, rape, incest, violence, greed, love of money,
foul language, selfishness, divorce, homosexuality,
group sex, wife swapping, swinging, orgies,incest,
fornication, adultery, stealing, murder, lying,
mugging, kidnapping, prostitution, trafficking in
child slavery, worshipping “the son” only
instead of “the Father”, Christians celebrating pagan
holidays, Christians wearing pagan idols,
child abuse, parent abuse, grand-parent abuse,
spiritism, astrology, witchcraft, drug-abuse,
drunkeness, slander, haughtiness, arrogance,
lovers of pleasure, disobedient to parents,
disobedient to authority, ungrateful, unthankful,
not open to any agreement, puffed up with pride,
false witnesses, no self-control, fierce, headstrong,
and just plain mean.)

All the ABOVE brings people down and it starts with what’s in their minds,

it takes roots and it festers and soon the mind becomes a battlefield and leads

to internal spiritual warfare, the wrestle between doing good and bad,

these are the schemes and machinations of the Devil aka Satan aka Lucifer,

the fallen angel!

Time is short and running out for him, so he and his minions manipulates and

deceives mankind in every which way to deter them from worshipping

YAHWEH our God and YESHUA, our Messiah

the whole world beguiled into Satan's hands

14 But if YOU have bitter jealousy and contentiousness in YOUR hearts, do not be bragging and lying against the truth.

15 This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is [the] earthly, animal, demonic.

16 For where jealousy and contentiousness are, there disorder and every vile thing are.

James 3:14-16

“Do not boast, lie or murmur sweet words to cover up the ugly truth in thine hearts

of arrogance, selfishness and bitter jealousy which is venom to thy souls”

It’s earthly and it’s the attitude of Satan, the father of all lies and deceit;

so purify yourselves with the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God Yahweh

so that you may stand blameless when our Messiah Yeshua comes back to reclaim

his rightful throne to rule.

♣ ♣ ♣

Posted in LIFE, Misc, Reflections, Religion, Thoughts, Words of Wisdom

Rock Flowers

Rock Flowers

♥ “Thou hast shewed thy people hard things” (Psalms 60:3). ♥

bloom of rock flowers

I have always been glad that the Psalmist said to God that some things were hard.

There is no mistake about it; there are hard things in life.

Some beautiful pink flowers were given me this summer,

and as I took them I said, “What are they?”

And the answer came, “They are rock flowers; they grow and bloom

only on rocks where you can see no soil.”

Then  I thought of God’s flowers growing in hard places;

and I feel, somehow, that He may have a peculiar tenderness for

His “rock flowers” that He may not have for His lilies and roses.

♣ Margaret Bottome ♣

rock flowers growing in "character" in hard places


The tests of life are to make, not break us.

Trouble may demolish a man’s business but build up his character.

The blow at the outward man may be the greatest blessing to the inner man.

If God, then, puts or permits anything hard in our lives,

be sure that the real peril, the real trouble, is what we shall lose if we flinch or rebel.

♠ Maltbie D. Babcock ♠


  “Heroes are forged on anvils hot with pain,

And splendid courage comes but with the test.

Some natures ripen and some natures bloom

Only on blood-wet soil, some souls prove great

Only in moments dark with death or doom.”

by Mrs. Charles Cowman – Streams in the Desert

“God gets his best soldiers out of the highlands of affliction.”
Posted in LIFE, Reflections, Religion, Thoughts, Words of Wisdom

Words for the Young – Words that “Need” Global Circulation

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“Children, obey your parents in the Master: for this is right. Honor thy father and thy mother; which is the first commandment with promise; that it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the [new] earth.” (Ephesians 6:1). Children who dishonor their parents, and disobey them, and disregard their advice and instructions, can have no part in the earth made new. The purified new earth will be no place for the rebellious, the disobedient, the unthankful, ungrateful son or daughter. Unless such learn obedience and submission here, they will never learn the lesson hereafter; and the peace of the ransomed will never be marred by the disobedient, unruly, unsubmissive children. No commandment-breaker can inherit the kingdom of heaven. Will all the youth please read the fifth commandment spoken by Jehovah from Sinai, and engraven with his own finger upon tables of stone. “Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the land which the Master thy Yahuwah giveth thee.” (Exodus 20:12). “Children, obey your parents in all things; for this is well-pleasing unto the Master.”

There are many passages of Scripture that are plain, instructing the young, showing them clearly the will of Yahuwah concerning them. These plain teachings they must meet in the Judgment. Yet there is not one young man or woman in twenty who professes the present truth, who heeds these Bible teachings. They do not read the word of Yahuwah enough to know its claims upon them, and yet these truths will judge them in the great day of Yahuwah, when young and old will be judged according to the deeds done in the body.

Says John, “I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of Yahuwah abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one. Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof; but he that doeth the will of Yahuwah abideth forever.”  (1 John 2:14-17).

This exhortation to young men extends also to young women. Their youth does not excuse them from the responsibilities resting upon them. The youth are strong. They are not worn down with the weight of years, and with cares. Their affections are ardent, and if they are withdrawn from the world, and placed upon Yahushua and heaven, doing the will of Yahuwah, they will have a hope of the better life that is enduring, and they will abide forever, being crowned with glory, honor, immortality, eternal life. If the youth live to gratify the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, they are seeking for the things of the world, are pleasing their great adversary, and separating themselves from the Father. And when these things that are sought after pass away, their hopes are blighted and their expectations perish. Separated from Yahuwah, then they will bitterly repent their folly of serving their own pleasure, of gratifying their own desires, and for a few frivolous enjoyments, of selling a life of immortal bliss that they might have enjoyed forevermore. “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world,” says the inspired apostle. Then the warning, “If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” It is an alarming fact that the love of the world predominates in the minds of the young. They decidedly love the world and the things that are in the world, and for this very reason the love of Yahuwah finds no room in their hearts. Their pleasures are found in the world, and in the things of the world, and they are strangers to the Father and the graces of his Spirit. Frivolity and fashion, and empty, vain talking and laughing, characterize the life of the youth generally, and Yahuwah is dishonored. Paul exhorts the youth to sobriety: “Young men likewise exhort to be sober minded. In all things showing thyself a pattern of good works; in doctrine showing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity, sound speech, that cannot be condemned; that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed, having no evil thing to say of you.”  (Titus 2:6-8).

I entreat the youth for their souls’ sake to heed the exhortation of the inspired apostle. All these gracious instructions, warnings, and reproofs, will be either a savor of life unto life or of death unto death. Many of the young are reckless in their conversation. They choose to forget that by their words they shall be justified, or by their words be condemned. Take heed to the words of our Saviour: “A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things; and an evil man out the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things. But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of Judgment; for by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.” (Matthew 12:35-36). How little regard is paid even to the instructions of the heavenly Teacher! The word of Yahuwah is either not studied at all, or if it is, its solemn truths are not heeded, and these plain truths will rise up in Judgment and condemn them.

    Words and acts testify plainly what is in the heart. If vanity and pride, love of self and love of dress, fill the heart, the conversation will be upon the fashions, the dress, and the appearance, but not upon Yahushua or the kingdom of heaven. If envious feelings dwell in the heart, the same will be manifested in words and acts. Those who measure themselves by others, and do as others do, and make no higher attainments, and excuse themselves over the wrongs and faults of others, are feeding on husks, and will remain spiritual dwarfs as long as they gratify the Devil by thus indulging their own unconsecrated feelings. Some dwell upon what they shall eat and drink and wherewithal they shall be clothed. Their hearts are filled with these thoughts, and they flow out from the abundance of the heart, as though these things were their grand aim in life, their highest attainment. They forget the words of Yahushua,”Seek ye first the kingdom of Yahuwah and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.”  (Matthew 6:33).

Satan is gratified to have the attention of youth attracted by anything to divert their minds from Yahuwah, so that the deceiver can steal a march upon them, and they, unprepared for his attacks, be ensnared. They are not aware that the heavenly Artist is taking cognizance of every act, every word, and their deportment; and that even the thoughts and intents of the heart stand faithfully delineated. Every defect in the moral character stands forth revealed to the gaze of angels, and they will have the faithful picture presented to them in all its deformity at the execution of the Judgment. Those vain, frivolous words are all written in the book. Those false words are written. Those deceptive acts, with the motives concealed from human eyes, but discerned by the all-seeing eye of Jehovah, are all written in living characters. Every selfish act is exposed. The young generally conduct themselves as though the precious hours of probation, while mercy lingers, were one grand holiday, and that they are placed in this world simply for their own amusement, to be gratified by a continued round of excitement.

Satan has been making special efforts to lead the youth to find happiness in worldly amusements, and to justify themselves in thus doing, by endeavoring to show that these amusements are harmless, innocent, and even important to health. The impression has been given by some physicians that spirituality and devotion to Yahuwah are detrimental to health. This suits the adversary of souls well. There are persons with diseased imaginations who do not rightly represent the religion of Yahushua; such have not the pure religion of the Bible. Some are scourging themselves all through their life because of their sins; all they can see is an offended Yahuwah of justice. Yahushua and his redeeming power, through the merits of his blood, they fail to see. Such have not faith. This class are generally those who have not well-balanced minds. Through disease transmitted to them from their parents, and an erroneous education in youth, they have imbibed wrong habits, injuring the constitution, affecting the brain causing the moral organs to be diseased, and making it impossible for them upon all points to think and act rationally. They have not well-balanced minds. Yahuwahliness and righteousness are not destructive to health, but are health to the body and strength to the soul. Says Peter: “He that will love life, and see good days, . . . let him eschew evil, and do good; let him seek peace, and ensue it: for the eyes of the Master are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers; but the face of the Master is against them that do evil.” (1 Peter 3:10) “But and if ye suffer for righteousness’ sake, happy are ye; and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled.”  (1 Peter 3:14).

The consciousness of right doing is the best medicine for diseased bodies and minds. The special blessing of Yahuwah resting upon the receiver is health and strength. A person whose mind is quiet and satisfied in Yahuwah is in the pathway to health. To have a consciousness that the eyes of the Master are upon us, and his ears open to hear our prayers, is a satisfaction indeed. To know that we have a never-failing Friend in whom we can confide all the secrets of the soul, is a privilege which words can never express. Those whose moral faculties are beclouded by disease, are not the ones to rightly represent the life of Yahushua, or the beauties of holiness. They are often in the fire of fanaticism, or the water of cold indifference or stolid gloom.

The words of Yahushua are of more worth than the opinions of all the physicians in the universe. “Seek ye first the kingdom of Yahuwah and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” This is the first great object–the kingdom of Heaven, the righteousness of Yahushua.  Other objects to be attained should be secondary to these.

By: Ellen White
Review & Herald
March 30, 1886

We have taken out from the original article all pagan names and titles of the Father and Son, and have replaced them with the original given names. Furthermore, we have restored in the Scriptures quoted the original names of the Father and Son, as they were originally written by the inspired writers of the Bible.

-WLC Team

Posted in LIFE, Misc, Reflections, Religion, Thoughts, Words of Wisdom

The Magnet and the Nail Family

The Magnet and the Nail Family



1. A Magnet.

2. Young Children of the Nail Family—small, bright, shiny Nails.

3. Mr. Nail (father), large nail, a bit rusty—invisible string attached, concealing

large bottle under the table.

4. Mrs. Nail (mother) middle-size nail; invisible string attached concealing

deck of cards.

5. Big Brother Nail, tall, bright nail; invisible string attached, concealing

a filthy rag.

6. Bent, rusty Nail (Grandpa Nail).

♣ ♣ ♣

We have the NAIL family before us this morning, boys and girls.

See them here on the table!

They picture a good many families living all about us today.

And what is this? (Exhibit magnet.)

Someone says, “a MAGNET.”


Yes, this is a magnet. It has drawing power. In John 12:32 the Lord Jesus said,

“And I, if I be lifted up will draw all men unto Me.” He was speaking of His death

on the cross, which would enable Him to draw men and women from sin unto

Himself as Saviour.

We will let the MAGNET picture the Lord Jesus/Yeshua.


Lord & Savior Jesus/Yeshua_little children drawn to Him

Let us put the magnet in among the Nail family. See the bright, shiny nails fly

to it? These are the small children in the Nail family. Like many other small

children, they are eager to accept the Lord Jesus in their youth. (Eccl. 12:1.)

They gladly accept His loving invitation to the children, “Suffer the little children

to come unto Me and forbid them not.” — Luke 18:16.


But what about the other members of the Nail family? Some seem unmoved,

while others make an attempt to come, but something seems to hold them back.


father_an alcoholic
father_an alcoholic

Let us look at each one separately. This tall, strong looking nail, is Mr. Nail,

the father of the household. Surely, Mr. Nail, as the head of the house, should

accept the Lord Jesus as His Saviour. But no, he refuses to come, though he

does seem moved as the story of God’s love is presented to him. Something

seems to hold him back. Let us see what it is. (Beer Bottle in hand)

Ah—this tells the story.

Mr. Nail is bound down by a habit which seems to have the better of him.

This bottle tells not only of a habit, but of worldly friends and pleasures,

which are keeping him away from the church and the Lord.

Is there no hope for Mr. Nail?

Oh, yes, the Lord Jesus is able to break every fetter. He says, “Him that

cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” — John 6:37.

Now, see Mr. Nail cling to the magnet! Hear him sing:

“Other refuge have I none, Hangs my helpless soul on Thee.”

mother_addictive gambling vice

With Mr. Nail a Christian, he is anxious for Mrs. Nail and the other members

of the family to accept the Lord Jesus as Saviour. Mrs. Nail has surely seen

a change in Mr. Nail since he became a Christian, she would like to come to

the Lord Jesus, but something seems to be exerting an influence over her.

Let us see what it is … Why, attached to Mrs. Nail is a deck of cards.

So this is the reason Mrs. Nail will not put her trust in the Lord as her

Saviour — she loves the world and the pleasures of the world.

Finally she too, accepts the invitation of the Lord Jesus. She hears him say,

“Come unto Me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.”

— Matt. 11:28.

What rest and peace she found in Christ—a peace that the world never knew

or offered.

grandpa_grumpy and bitter in sin

Another member of the Nail family is Grandpa.

This bent, rusty nail is Grandpa Nail. He is getting old, all of his life has been

lived for self, with practically no thought of God. He hears of the Lord Jesus

from his son and daughter-in-law, but it doesn’t seem to be for him.

He feels he has lived in sin too long. Again and again they tell him of Jesus’

love. His heart seems changing—he listens with more interest. Finally one

day as Mr. Nail repeated Romans 5:8, “For God commended His love toward

us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” — a joy filled his heart

and life as he exclaimed, “He died for me! He died for me!”


With Grandpa Nail in the fold, there was only one other member of the family

left untouched by the Gospel. This was Big Brother Nail. Big Brother was a

Senior in college. He couldn’t understand what was happening to the family.

His mother and father tried to tell him, but he was always too busy, besides,

he said such things were “old fashioned.” How they all yearned over Big

Brother and longed to see him come to the Lord Jesus and accept Him as


big brother_insufferable conceited self-righteousness

This tall, bright looking nail is Big Brother. Let us see if we can find out why

he refuses to come to the Lord Jesus. Something seems to be preventing him

from even listening to the “Good News.”

Ah, see what is attached to Big Brother — a filthy rag!

What can this mean?

God’s Word says that self-righteousness is in His sight as “filthy rags,”

(Isa. 64:6). Big Brother feels that he has a righteousness of his own, and so

does not need a Saviour. But the prayers of the Nail family are not to go

unanswered. At last Big Brother is brought to realize that, “All have sinned

and come short of the glory of God.”— Romans 3:23.

He turns his back on his own righteousness, takes his place as a sinner in

need of  a Saviour. What rejoicing there was in the Nail household the day

that Big Brother came to the Lord. “Praise God from whom all blessings flow,”

they all sang that night as they gathered around the family altar.

What happened in the Nail family can happen in your family too, boys and girls.

The Lord Jesus longs to DRAW unto Himself those who know Him not.

“The Son of Man is come to seek and to save the lost” (Luke 19:10),

and “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.”—John 6:37.


♥ ♣ ♥ ♣


excerpted from “”

 Sermon Illustrations

Posted in LIFE, Reflections, Religion, Thoughts, Words of Wisdom

Dandelion Seeds

anger spreads and roots wherever

Sometimes you see a boy or a girl who has a very bad temper which

he does not try very hard to control. At such times, when things do

not go just as he wants them to and he goes into a rage, a rush of

words pours from his mouth, words that he would ordinarily be

ashamed of and ones that he will wish with all his heart he might


I know a girl who got terribly angry one time and she began to say

very naughty words about her little friend. Her father heard the loud

talk that was going on outside and went to the door and called his

young daughter to him. He saw a dandelion in full seed—its big tall

stem rose high above the grass around it and on top of that stem

was that ball of pure whiteness almost ready to blow away with its

hundreds of tiny seeds. The girl’s father told her to pick off all that

white fluffy top. Then as she brought it to him he told her to go out

and throw the whole handful up in the air as far as she could.

Of course the wind caught each little seed with its white wing, and

how they scattered in every direction. After the last one had settled

to the ground and most of them gone from sight and ready now to

take root and grow,—her father told his little girl to try to pick them

all up and put them back on the stem again.

Words are just like that. How fast they scatter the moment you let

them out of your mouth—and somewhere they take root too so that

others think they can do it if you can.

But, oh, how much you would give to be able to collect some of those

words back again.


Moses …

A great man injured by anger was Moses. When the people murmured

and asked for water, Moses was commanded to strike the rock at Horeb.

Out of all patience with the people and their waywardness, Moses struck

the rock twice, as if the rock had been the head of the people, crying out

as he did so, “Hear, ye rebels!” This burst of rage cost Moses the Promised

Land, because it was for this transgression that Moses —in spite of his

grand service and his pathetic pleading at the end of Israel’s long wandering

—was not permitted to go into the land of Canaan. That was not the first nor

the last time that a land of promise and of happiness was lost through anger.

Moses was not as patient as God.

Jonah …

Jonah is an example of how the character of a good and a great man can

be marred by anger, and his usefulness impaired. His story suggests the

folly, the danger, and the injury of anger. Unfortunately, when a man feels

anger and gives unrestrained expression to it, as Jonah did, his fellowman

is not as patient and long suffering as God was and does not always return

the soft answer which God returned to the angry and petulant Jonah.

Anger is one of the most common sins, yet one of the most dangerous and

injurious to the peace and well-being of man. More than any other sin,

it blasts the flower of friendship, turns men out of Eden, destroys peace

and concord in the home, incites to crime and violence, and turns love and

affection into hatred.


An answer, when mild, turns away rage,

but a word causing pain makes anger to come up.

Proverbs : 15 : 1


So, Control Thy Temper!
Posted in LIFE, Misc, Reflections, Religion, Thoughts, Words of Wisdom

Counsel for Kings and Rulers – Proverbs 21 to 31

Words of Wisdom

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom:

a good understanding have all they that do His commandments:

His praise endureth for ever.

Psalms 111:10

♣ ♥ ♣

Proverbs 21 to 30   =  Counsel for Kings and Rulers

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“Self-Control” – a guarded mouth makes for a serene soul.

*He that is keeping his mouth and his tongue is keeping his soul

from distresses.*

Proverbs : 21:23

“Reputation” – choose a good name rather than great riches.

*A name is to be chosen rather than abundant riches; favor is better

than even silver and gold.*

Proverbs : 22:1

“Soberness” – red wine is colorful but calamitous.

*Do not look at wine when it exhibits a red color, when it gives off its

sparkle in the cup, [when] it goes with a slickness.

Proverbs : 23:31

“Counsel” – the sober judgment of a sane thinking group is more

reliable than your own opinion.

*For by skillful direction you will carry on your war,

and in the multitude of counselors there is salvation.*

Proverbs : 24:6

“Women” – better solitude on top of the house than sojourning in the

house with a nagging woman.

*Better is it to dwell upon a corner of a roof than with a contentious wife,

although in a house in common.*

Proverbs : 25:24

“Gossip” – fire goes out when fuel gives out; scandal stops when mouths are stopped.

*Where there is no wood the fire goes out, and where there is

no slanderer contention grows still.*

Proverbs : 26:20

“Tomorrow” – there is never a tomorrow, only today.

Get it done now, for now soon becomes then.

*Do not make your boast about the next day, for you do not know what a day will give birth to.*

Proverbs : 27:1

“Understanding” – rank does not guarantee an understanding heart.

*A leader that is in want of true discernment is also abundant in fraudulent practices,

but he that is hating unjust profit will prolong [his] days.*

Proverbs : 28:16

“Bribes” – seek justice and our land shall stand; accept bribes and it will fall.

*By justice a king makes a land keep standing, but a man out for bribes tears it down.*

Proverbs : 29:4

“Security” – a trust in Yahweh/Jehovah Almighty God in heavens above is the only safe soul armor.

*Every saying of God is refined. He is a shield to those taking refuge in him.*

Proverbs : 30:5

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