Posted in LIFE, Reflections, Thoughts, Words of Wisdom

Adrift on the Sands of Time


Souls, perplexed and befuddled, drowning in our own making of hatred and wars, whether it’s ethnic divide or pure insane mad envy of each other or the innate power to dominate and possess, drives some of us to the brink of annihilating God’s creation, mankind. We are just lost and bewildered souls floundering and drifting upon the sands of time, searching and seeking for that fleeting illusion of power, fame and fortune, which we, sadly think is happiness. It is just only temporal glory because after each accomplishment and success, we hunger again for more praise and accolades of men and not forgetting that greedy need for more material things. What do we gain by all these? Why we do go through all the pains for it? Mere rhetoric questions by which we need to honestly ask of ourselves whether all these things will save us in the end. The end of what, some of you might ask, well, it’s the end of the system of evil, wicked and violent age, the end of Satan’s dominion on this earth till Jesus Christ comes to establish His kingdom here on earth with purity and love.

Ever since the dawn of man, Adam and Eve, the Devil has tempted, deceived and influenced mankind to every sort of evil conceivably concocted by him and managed that magnificently, just look at the condition of humanity now, a cacophony of corrupted lost souls everywhere. Satan has been doing his job superbly by diverting our attention from God with the busyness of living for the superficiality of power, fame and fortune. While some have attained it by sheer hard work and honesty on their part, others by envy and who are sluggards by nature will even resort to killing one another for it.

For every sin that we commit, we are held accountable for judgment by God and Jesus Christ upon the conclusion of this present ungodly violent pervasive world. Some might laugh or dismiss this belief but take note that the Devil is on the prowl all the time with his band of demonic angels seeking to devour our souls by influencing us to be evil and demonic as he is. A corruptible and sinful man will eventually lose his soul to the Devil if he does not desire to repent or feel the need to change his ways.

Time, we measure and live it day by day, but do we all really bother and care how we use our time? Just like so many things that we take for granted from God, the gift of life from the air we breathe, warmth of heat from the sun, water for hydrating our existence and resources we need from the earth, I think time is the most discounted and overlooked basics of mankind’s survival. Time, eternal time, is the most precious priceless untouchable commodity that we humans are lacking now and the clock is ticking much faster than before because the end times for this generation is already upon us and at it’s doors knocking loudly.

TIME IS A GIFT … from GOD to men.

So, mortal souls, count your blessings and value your precious time as time not used worthily to better our spiritual selves, it’s lost forever to the Devil.

© Keziah Boey 25th January 2008

Posted in LIFE, Poetry, Reflections, Religion, Thoughts, Words of Wisdom

IF …

Jesus our Shepherd and Savior
Jesus our Shepherd and Savior

If Satan had not desired to be on equal status and wanted to be God; Jesus would not have to be the atonement for mankind’s sin.

If Eve had not been tempted and Adam being influenced; mankind would not have to toil and toil and spin and spin.

If one third of the angels have not followed the Devil and mated with humans; magic and sorcery would not have emerged.

If humans have listened to the words of God; He would not have wanted humans purged.

If God wasn’t a merciful and full of loving-kindness God; He would not have kept Noah and his family safe from the Big Flood.

If the scribes and Pharisees weren’t eager for man’s glory and Judas’s blatant greed, Jesus our Lord would not have to spill His precious blood.

If not for the power and miracle work of God; Israel would not have birthed in 1948, as prophesied, as a nation again.

If time of the end is upon us soon and humans do not feel the need to repent of their sins, Jesus’ sacrifice in death would have been pointless and in vain.

If God and Jesus have not fought and battled hard with the Devil for our souls, we humans would have ceased in our own raging wars and sins.

If this present wicked violent world ends, it would be Jesus and His armies from the heavens having conquered the Devil and on that note, God wins.


© Keziah Boey January 16 2008


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