Posted in LIFE, Misc, Reflections, Thoughts, Words of Wisdom

The Battle Within

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*** The Battle Within ***
Two Wolves

An old Cherokee describes an experience going on inside himself….

“It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves.

One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity,
guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

evil and menacing

The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness,
benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.

good and gentle

This same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.”

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather:
“Which wolf will win?”

The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”

*Author Unknown*

Posted in LIFE, Reflections, Thoughts, Words of Wisdom

The Dunghill

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Imagine getting the command from your Master, “Go out behind the barn.

Find the dunghill and bring Me back something acceptable, beautiful that

I can put upon My table to enjoy.”

“Oh just great,” you think to yourself as you leave the mansion.

“I’m in for it now!

I’ve seen that grimy old dunghill and beautiful doesn’t even come close

to describing it.”

Rounding the corner of the barn, you almost get knocked over by the smell

as the wind changes and starts blowing in your direction. As you get closer,

your eyes start to water. Trying to breath in short shallow breaths, you get

as close as you dare. There it is. That dreaded dunghill which has been filled

with all sorts of filth from your life. Lust sits festering as does greed, and envy.

Maggots of strife and contention feast happily among the rotting decay of all

things repugnant.Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, you realize

that as this pile rots, it generates an unnatural heat from within which causes

evil gas clouds of despair and hopelessness to bubble up to the surface and

hang in a fog of misery all around the area.

You think to yourself, “Why am I here???

I left this stuff long ago and now here it is again. If I didn’t know better, I’d

say that it has grown since I had last seen it. I can’t make something out of

this junk to put on my Master’s table. All of those who wait upon Him will

laugh me to scorn. The big angels at the door probably wouldn’t even let

me in and for good reason too!”

But trying to be obedient, you grudgingly take up some of the horrible

material and think what you can do to make it fit for the Master’s table.

No amount of perfume could help kill the smell and the stuff crawling

around and in it gives a macabre impression of the entire dunghill

breathing with a life of its own.

So you kneel down and in vain try to shape it and make something useful.

No matter how much perfume you use it only serves to make the whole

ugly mess even worse.

Just then you hear Him behind you. “Child, what are you doing?”

Now the tears start streaming down your cheeks freely as you know that

there is nothing you can do but tell the truth.

“I can’t do it. Nothing I try works. Everything I do only makes it worse…”

Your own sobs cut off what was about to be a long drawn out explanation.

Gently, He tells you, “Put that back.”

So you throw the evil mess you were working with back onto the pile and

just stand there staring at the epitome of sin’s futility. You watch as the

Master takes His mighty hand and using His finger, He creates a God

shaped hole right into the heart of the horrible mess before you. Your own

soul feels what He has done and it takes your breath away.

Turning towards you He holds out His hand and shows you what looks

to be a seed of some sort. With a gentle smile He asks, “May I?”

You are confused.

Not knowing what is about to happen, you reply, “What is that?”

His response sends waves of terror into your heart, “This is My life.

I want to put it into the hole I just created. May I?”

You recoil in fear at the thought of His life going into the worst you

have to offer.

You want to scream ‘No!’ but you don’t dare.

Deep within your heart, you long to have Him do it, but it just doesn’t

seem fair that He should put His best into the worst areas of your life.

But the Master has never made a mistake and you know that even

this can only work out for good.

Half-heartedly, mumbling under your breath you say, “Yes, go ahead…,”

and the tears flow once more.

Gently the Master places His Seed within the God shaped hole His finger

had made. With loving kindness He covers it over and starts to walk away.

Turning back to look at you, He once again commands, “From this dunghill,

bring Me back something acceptable, beautiful that I can put upon My

table to enjoy.” With that He walks away.

For a long, long while you just stand there staring at the horrible mess

before you. Nothing has appeared to change and you feel as though the

Master has left you in the same predicament as when you had first arrived.

But then you see it.

A small bump in the dunghill started slowly rising up to the surface.

Looking closely you are sure that there is something green breaking out

from the very heart of your worst nightmares.

During the rest of the day you watch this little plant grow.

By day, you tend and give it water from the eternal spring of life.

By night, you sleep near it, afraid that something might happen to this

precious little life. It is not a very comfortable rest, trying to sleep on the

ground next to a dunghill, but even though you don’t know what your

Master has done, you are determined to see it through to the end.

For three days and nights you tend and guard this little seedling.

You notice that as the plant gets bigger, the dunghill gets smaller.

It appears that the plant is taking all of the evil smelling corruption and

using it to grow. Then on the morning of the third day, as the sun rises

in the distance, you awaken to see that the tiny plant has now grown

into a sizable young shrub.

But something is happening.

As the sun’s light starts to warm its leaves, you see the most beautiful

blood red roses starting to open up right before your eyes!

Hundreds and hundreds of bright red roses unfold sending out an aroma

that instantly blots out the horrible stench of the dunghill!

You stand staring for a time in total awe at the sight of these beautiful

roses which move in unison to the rhythm of a holy wind.

Each petal is shining and glistening in radiance as the sun rises higher

and higher into the morning sky.

Then you hear His voice in the distance, “My child, I AM waiting…”

The sound of His gentle thunder reminds you of your original task, to get

something from this dunghill that will be both beautiful and acceptable

for His table.

Carefully you pick twelve of the very biggest and best flowers you can

find and arrange them in your hand. Yes there are thorns, but you don’t

even seem to notice them as you look at what the Lord has done.

After walking back to the mansion, you find a vase in the kitchen and

arrange the flowers with silent joy. What at first looked to be impossible

now has become a work of living art.

As you make your way towards the main dining hall, some people stop

to admire the roses you have in your vase.

“My but they are beautiful!” says one well meaning person.

“You sure are one fine gardener!”

Without any hesitation, you humbly reply, “It’s not me, it was all the

Master’s doing…”

You hurry off, not wanting to answer any more questions such as,

“Where did you get them.”

You enter the main hall and set the roses upon the Master’s table.

You want to smile, but you can’t because you know from where

these roses have come.

You silently pray that nobody will ever find out.

Your mission accomplished, you turn to leave, but you see your

Master standing in the doorway.

You swallow hard as you glance back at the arrangement of flowers

you have just left on His table.

Your eyes once again fill with water as you stare at the floor,

unable to look at Him.

You know the truth of where you got the roses. But what is far worse

is that you know that He knows from where you have gotten them!

The thought of the dunghill breaks your heart with shame and remorse.

Gently placing His hand under your chin, He lifts your head, moving

your gaze upward so that you are now looking right into His loving eyes.

The tears stream down your face as your Lord and Master carefully

wipes away each and every one of them.

He smiles and says, “They are beautiful!

Well done, My good and faithful servant. Won’t you join Me for

some breakfast?

I would just like to sit and talk a while with you My dear and

precious friend.”

♥  ♥  ♥

*The End*

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*Author Unknown by all but God*

Posted in LIFE, Reflections, Thoughts, Words of Wisdom

Adrift on the Sands of Time


Souls, perplexed and befuddled, drowning in our own making of hatred and wars, whether it’s ethnic divide or pure insane mad envy of each other or the innate power to dominate and possess, drives some of us to the brink of annihilating God’s creation, mankind. We are just lost and bewildered souls floundering and drifting upon the sands of time, searching and seeking for that fleeting illusion of power, fame and fortune, which we, sadly think is happiness. It is just only temporal glory because after each accomplishment and success, we hunger again for more praise and accolades of men and not forgetting that greedy need for more material things. What do we gain by all these? Why we do go through all the pains for it? Mere rhetoric questions by which we need to honestly ask of ourselves whether all these things will save us in the end. The end of what, some of you might ask, well, it’s the end of the system of evil, wicked and violent age, the end of Satan’s dominion on this earth till Jesus Christ comes to establish His kingdom here on earth with purity and love.

Ever since the dawn of man, Adam and Eve, the Devil has tempted, deceived and influenced mankind to every sort of evil conceivably concocted by him and managed that magnificently, just look at the condition of humanity now, a cacophony of corrupted lost souls everywhere. Satan has been doing his job superbly by diverting our attention from God with the busyness of living for the superficiality of power, fame and fortune. While some have attained it by sheer hard work and honesty on their part, others by envy and who are sluggards by nature will even resort to killing one another for it.

For every sin that we commit, we are held accountable for judgment by God and Jesus Christ upon the conclusion of this present ungodly violent pervasive world. Some might laugh or dismiss this belief but take note that the Devil is on the prowl all the time with his band of demonic angels seeking to devour our souls by influencing us to be evil and demonic as he is. A corruptible and sinful man will eventually lose his soul to the Devil if he does not desire to repent or feel the need to change his ways.

Time, we measure and live it day by day, but do we all really bother and care how we use our time? Just like so many things that we take for granted from God, the gift of life from the air we breathe, warmth of heat from the sun, water for hydrating our existence and resources we need from the earth, I think time is the most discounted and overlooked basics of mankind’s survival. Time, eternal time, is the most precious priceless untouchable commodity that we humans are lacking now and the clock is ticking much faster than before because the end times for this generation is already upon us and at it’s doors knocking loudly.

TIME IS A GIFT … from GOD to men.

So, mortal souls, count your blessings and value your precious time as time not used worthily to better our spiritual selves, it’s lost forever to the Devil.

© Keziah Boey 25th January 2008